Employment Connection

Is a nonprofit St. Louis community organization that breaks down barriers to self-sufficiency for individuals with limited opportunities including the homeless, ex-offenders, U.S. veterans, high school dropouts, women on welfare, and at-risk youth. Offering more than just a job, Employment Connection provides valuable resources, training, and support to inspire and empower clients to change their circumstances and become employed. Nu Beginnings has collaborated with a technical division within the company to provide job skills education for individuals who are seeking to acquire that next job and for those seeking a specific career path.
JimTek1 Consultant

Nu Beginnings and JimTek1 Consultant are partners in working together to provide products and services to individuals who are in need of enhancing his or her personal life skills and professional job readiness skills. Both companies combine their organizational experiences by offering and supplying individuals with the skilled practices in the field of professional leadership. Nu Beginnings teaches individuals with employment search techniques, effective resume writing, and additional skills needed to seek employment and JimTek1 Consultant provides the technical aspects of finding employment with exercises and training in operating a computer, using Microsoft Office tools, the internet, and other technology approaches.
Safe Haven Community Development Corporation

Nu Beginnings and Safe Haven have collaborated to provide employment assistance and job skills support for ex-offenders within the Southern Illinois area. The purpose is to prepare and equip each individual with the tools and skills needed to re-enter the work force. The vision is to abolish recidivism by helping ex-offenders in every area of their lives through ministry and mentoring, which will help them spiritually, physically, socially and financially to become productive citizens of society, with permanent families through Safe Haven.